
Introduction of Production

3P Theory

It is a very important step before starting production like data preparation Determining or laying out the coordination of the shooting with the filming location Production planning meeting Scripting Material preparation Filming equipment Audio recording equipment Recording room, editing room, video camera, filming Props, lighting equipment, preparation of the operators Participants, all teams, travel, food, accommodation, etc., if preparing details in this step well Will result in easier and faster production process.

Is the process of filming according to the story line or chapter according to the script of the production team, This step may have been filmed several times until satisfied. In addition, it may be necessary to store images / sounds. More specific angles for expanding For the audience to see and understand more details In general, there will be a preparatory meeting.

Post Production
Is a process of editing, composing images and sounds together according to the script or the content of the story, This step will have to add graphics, do special effects, images. The duration of this step depends on the duration of the chapter and the recording. Including the difficulty and additional details of the work in each theme,
such as 3 days, 7 days or more than 15 days