
Academic year 2017-present

Total credits throughout the course 147 credits
A. General Education Courses 30 credits
B. Specific courses 105 credits divided into
>>> Basic science group 17 credits
>>> Engineering Basic Courses 23 credits
>>> Compulsory subjects in the branch of 50 credits
>>> Elective Courses 15 credits
C. Cooperative Education (Professional Experience) 6 credits
D. Free Elective Courses 6 credits

แผนภูมิหลักสูตร-วศบ.-ฉบับแก้ไข-2560-EnET-B.pdf (147 downloads)

Academic Year 2012-2016

Total credits throughout the course 147 credits
A. General Education Courses 30 credits
B. Specific courses 105 credits divided into
>>> Basic science group 21 credits
>>> Engineering Basic Courses 29 credits
>>> Specific subject groups 40 credits
>>> Elective Courses 15 credits
C. Cooperative Education (Professional Experience) 6 credits
D. Free Elective Courses 6 credits

47307_3590_หลักสูตร-EnET.pdf.pdf (94 downloads)